Personalise Your Skincare


Only your skin knows what it wants, so why not give it what it needs? Let your DNA be your guide to your skincare regime.

No more marketing hype or trial and error – just personalised, DNA-based product recommendations unique to your skin.

It’s skincare made personal.

Nudge Your Skincare


When it comes to skincare, there are thousands of products on the market, but how do you know what is right for you? How can you be confident in your choices?

Let DnaNudge decode the secrets within your genes and help you to truly personalise your skincare regime, to work in tune with your biology and lifestyle.

    Risk of Deep Wrinkles

    Risk of Loss of Hydration

    Risk of Collagen degradation

    We analyse your skin-impacting lifestyle traits and sensitivity to deep wrinkles, eyelid sagging, photoageing, collagen degradation, fine lines, loss of hydration, oxidative stress and skin irritation. Then, ‘What Your Skin Needs,’ and your potential risk factors are detailed in your personalised report on a traffic-light scale.

    Risk of Deep Wrinkles

    Risk of Loss of Hydration

    Risk of Collagen degradation

    We analyse your skin-impacting lifestyle traits and sensitivity to deep wrinkles, eyelid sagging, photoageing, collagen degradation, fine lines, loss of hydration, oxidative stress and skin irritation. Then, ‘What Your Skin Needs,’ and your potential risk factors are detailed in your personalised report on a traffic-light scale.

The Tech


F.A.C.T. - Your privacy is our primary concern. All we need from you is a quick cheek swab. This is inserted into our lab-on-a-chip DnaCartridge, which delivers a result direct to your smartphone in around 90 minutes. Your sample is then destroyed, maintaining full confidentiality.

Now you’re ready to shop with your DNA!

The Science Bit

  • After years of patient research by our team of world-class scientists, geneticists, software engineers and skincare experts, we have the technology to nudge you towards a healthier reality. Our test analyses specific SNPs (a ‘snip’ is a single letter out of the 10 million in your genetic code) associated with certain skin-health traits. We only include genes which have high quality research and well-documented, real-life evidence behind them.

  • Step 1: Take a 30-second cheek swab, either at our London retail store, or at home.

  • Step 2: Your swab is inserted into our lab-on-a-chip DnaCartridge and analysed in a NudgeBox PCR machine at our store.

  • Step 3: Why not add an Active Nudge? Have your DNA ‘digitised’ onto a DnaBean, unlocking additional features for ultimate personalisation.

The Future of Shopping


So, you’ve had the test. Now comes the fun part – skincare shopping guided by your DNA!

Our service nudges you to make small, personalised swaps from one product to another, every time you shop. This means you are always making the best skincare choices for you, based on your DNA.

It’s easy – simply scan the product barcode to see if it’s red or green for you. If it’s red, don’t worry; we’ll always show you green alternatives, so you can still enjoy the facial skincare you love.